Another thing that surprised me, is that when Mabel went to look at her records, they were going to be destroyed. As much as I am aware that learning disabled history isn't particularly valued, I was surprised that they would actually remove peoples' records from archives.
The one pleasant surprise, was that Gloria was given many opportunities to do paid work. While I have no doubts that she would be capable of the care work she did, employment has always been an issue for disabled people. However, it would appear that in some ways it's became worse rather than better over time. Gloria was made redundant in 1994 and had not worked in the few years between then and telling her story. Gloria has become an advocate for her friend Muriel who is physically disabled and unable to physically speak. While this is a voluntary job, it was still nice that that was allowed to happen.
In conclusion, learning about learning disability history so far has been interesting and I look forward to reading more as I help out with Hidden Lives Remembered.