History of Advocacy and SAtA
Here are a selection of video clips about the history of advocacy and SAtA.
Please keep checking back as more will be uploaded in the coming weeks.
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The views expressed in these videos are the personal views of the participants/interviewees and do not necessarily (and are not intended to) reflect the views of Solihull Action through Advocacy and/or the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Institutions and Belonging - Open University Social History of Learning Disability Conference 2019
On Tuesday 16th July, Claire, Colom, Kathleen and Jennifer went to speak at the OU's Social History of Learning Disability Conference.

Janet - Start of the Advocacy Movement
Janet discusses how the closure of big institutions such as Middlefield led to the start of the Advocacy movement in Solihull.
Janet is the Founder Patron of Solihull Action through Advocacy.
You can find out more about the work of SAtA here https://solihulladvocacy.org.uk/