Hampton Manor
Here are a selection of video clips from the project about Hampton Manor.
Please keep checking back as more will be uploaded in the coming weeks.
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The views expressed in these videos are the personal views of the participants/interviewees and do not necessarily (and are not intended to) reflect the views of Solihull Action through Advocacy and/or the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Pam, Pauline, Caroline and Michelle: Life at Hampton Manor
Pam, Pauline, Caroline and Michelle remember what life was like at Hampton Manor, during a trip back to the Manor. It is now a luxury hotel.
They lived together at the Manor for between 15 and 50 years. They moved out into supported living flats in the same block when the Manor closed in 2007.

Helen - Hampton Manor: the Early Days
Helen moved in to Hampton Manor shortly after it opened in 1952. She was 15.
She remembers what life was like living there in the early days.

John Wood - The History of Hampton Manor
John Wood, former and final owner of Hampton Manor care home, gives us a potted history of the home.
The views expressed in this video are the personal views of the participants/interviewees and do not necessarily (and are not intended to) reflect the views of Solihull Action through Advocacy and/or the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Institutions and Belonging - Open University Social History of Learning Disability Conference 2019
On Tuesday 16th July, Claire, Colom, Kathleen and Jennifer went to speak at the OU's Social History of Learning Disability Conference.

Roger - Experiences of Hampton Manor
Roger tells us about his experiences of Hampton Manor.

Dave - Closing Hampton Manor
Dave, who founded the Family Care Trust, talks about the Trust's involvement in closing Hampton Manor.

Pauline - Christmas at Hampton Manor
Pauline tells Jennifer about what Christmas was like when she lived at Hampton Manor.
They are in Pauline's flat, which she moved into after she left Hampton Manor.
She and her friend Diane helped out in the kitchens to make Christmas dinner.
Pauline remembers the tree, candles on the stairs, carols and presents.

Hampton Singers - Christmas at the Manor
Sue, John, David, Chris, Helen, Hilary and Susan from the Hampton Singers reflect upon when they visited the ladies of Hampton Manor each Christmas.
You can also enjoy the choir rehearsing for this Christmas in the background!
To learn more about the Hampton Singers, visit http://hamptonsingers.org/