We wanted to find photos of Middlefield Hospital.
There are no photos of Middlefield Hospital online.
Photos are very good for helping people to remember things.
Middlefield Hospital has been demolished.
This makes it very important to have photos of what it looked like.
We found 3 postcards with pictures of Middlefield Hospital.
The postcards are from 1900 to 1930.
Middlefield Hospital did not look like hospitals usually do today.
It was a very big building with a large garden.
We looked at a book that talked about when Middlefield Hospital was opened.
It opened in 1866.
The first patients moved in in 1868.
The book said that there was a big celebration when Middlefield Hospital opened.
Lots of important people went.
We also looked at some building plans of Middlefield Hospital from 1893.
The plans showed how men and women lived on different sides of the building.
The staff at the library were really helpful.
The visit was very useful!
Photos of Middlefield Hospital will be on this website soon.